News Log

This page provides a brief log of the main items of news for the Society from 1st January 2021, with most recent items shown first.

20-Feb-2024 Members' meeting (Zoom) - Talk by Dr. Penny Walters on 'Irish Heritage'.
8-Feb-2025 Ann Greene and Giz Marriner run our virtual stall at the Family History Show Online.
25-Jan-2025 Ann Greene, Giz Marriner and Roland Bostock run our breakout room at the East Surrey Virtual Family History Fair.
16-Jan-2024 Members' meeting (Zoom) - Talk by Ian Porter on 'The Real Downton Abbey'.
19-Dec-2024 Members' meeting (Zoom) - Members talk about a family photograph or two.
21-Nov-2024 Members' meeting (Zoom) - Talk by Cathy Soughter on 'House Histories'.
16-Nov-2024 Margaret Cunnew, Muriel Sprott and Roland Bostock run our stall at The Surrey Family History Show - Woking.
17-Oct-2024 Members' meeting (Zoom from St. John's) - Talk by Sarah Slater on 'Working with the Ghosts of Hampton Court Palace'.
5-Oct-2024 Muriel Sprott, Ann Greene, John Seaman, Yvonne Masson and Roland Bostock run our stall at The Family History Show, Kempton Park Racecourse.
19-Sep-2024 Members' meeting (Zoom) - Talk by Mia Bennett on 'Using DNA for Family History Research'.
15-Aug-2024 Members' meeting (Zoom from St. John's) - Talk by James Marshall on 'Breweries in, or associated with, the London Borough of Hounslow'.
18-Jul-2024 Members' meeting (Zoom) - Talk by Dr Judy Hill on 'Almshouses'.
20-Jun-2024 Members' meeting (Zoom) - Talk by Giz Marriner on 'The Fulham Pottery'.
17-May-2024 Members' meeting (Zoom) - Talk by Ian Currie on 'The Frost Fairs'.
18-Apr-2024 Members' meeting (Zoom) - Talk by Ann Larkham on 'Dating & Identifying Your Family History Photographs'.
21-Mar-2024 Members' meeting (Zoom) - The AGM, followed by a talk by David Shailes on 'Brentford Gas'.
24-Feb-2024 Ann Greene, Giz Marriner and Roland Bostock run our virtual booth at the Berkshire Heritage Fair.
15-Feb-2024 Members' meeting (Zoom) - Talk by Janet Few on 'Ancestors on the Move: Finding elusive ancestors'.
10-Feb-2024 Giz Marriner, Ann Greene and Roland Bostock run our virtual booth at The Family History Show - Online.
c 27-Jan-2024 Giz Marriner, Ann Greene and Roland Bostock run our virtual booth at the East Surrey FHS Virtual Family History Fair.
18-Jan-2024 Members' meeting (Zoom from St. John's) - Talk by Sarah Slater on 'Secrets, Scandal and Salacious Gossip of the Royal Court'.
21-Dec-2023 Christmas Members' meeting (Zoom from St. John's) - Giz Marriner, Nigel Bostock, Ann Greene and Yvonne Masson talked about breaking down brick walls, and Julia Zouch talked about the surname Zouch.
17/18-Nov-2023 Roland Bostock, Giz Marriner and Ann Greene run our virtual booth at the FHF Really Useful Family History Show.
16-Nov-2023 Members' meeting (Zoom) - Talk by Hilary Blanford on 'Convicts Galore'.
4-Nov-2023 Margaret Cunnew, Muriel Sprott and Roland Bostock run our stall at the Surrey Family History Fair at Woking.
19-Oct-2023 Members' meeting (Zoom from St. Johns) - Talk by James Marshall on 'Highwaymen, Outlaws and Hounslow Heath'.
21-Sep-2023 Members' meeting (Zoom) - Talk by Adele Emm on 'Why I am a Suffragist not a Suffragette'.
2-Sep-2023 Margaret Cunnew, Muriel Sprott, John Seaman, Yvonne Masson, Pat Candler and Roland Bostock all help run our stall at The Family History Show - London at Kempton Park Racecourse.
17-Aug-2023 Members' meeting (Zoom) - Talk by Mia Bennett on 'Introduction to DNA for Family Historians'.
20-Jul-2023 Members' meeting (Zoom) - Talk by Patricia Williamson on 'The experiences of an evacuee to Canada during WWII'.
15-Jun-2023 Members' meeting (Zoom from St John's) - Talk by Jonathan Oates on 'Historical crimes in Middlesex.
18-May-2023 Members' meeting (Zoom from St John's) - Talk by Val Bott on 'The 1841 Brentford Flood'.
13-May-2023 Roland Bostock, Margaret Cunnew, John Seaman and Muriel Sprott host our stall at Richmond May Fair.
20-Apr-2023 Members' meeting (Zoom) - Talk by Ian Waller on 'My Average Ancestor'.
16-Mar-2023 Members' meeting (Zoom) - The AGM, followed by a talk by Ann Greene on 'Sidelights on the Victorian Workhouse'.
10-Mar-2023 Paul Kershaw, honorary member, who served as Examiner 1998-2002 and 2008-2016, dies.
5-Mar-2023 Joan Storkey, committee member 2009-2015, dies.
18-Feb-2023 Roland Bostock hosts our virtual stall at the The Family History Show Online.
16-Feb-2023 Members' meeting (Zoom) - Talk by John Vigar on 'Leave No Stone Unturned'.
12-Feb-2023 Ken Cox, honorary member, dies.
1-Feb-2023 John Steward dies at end of previous week.
28-Jan-2023 Ann Greene and Roland Bostock host our stall at the East Surrey FHS Virtual Family History Fair.
19-Jan-2023 Members' meeting (Zoom from St John's) - Talk by James Marshall on 'Moving Millions'.
15-Dec-2022 Members' meeting (Hybrid Zoom) - Roland Bostock, John Seaman, Ann Greene, Kirsty Gray, Giz Marriner, Julia Zouch and Hilary Blanford each bring an item to the meeting and talk about it.
3-Dec-2022 Ann Greene and Roland Bostock host our virtual cabin at The Genealogy Show.
24-Nov-2022 The committee hears of the recent death of Rob Purr, joint president with Bridget until his death. Our condolences to Bridget.
17-Nov-2022 Members' meeting (Zoom) - Talk by Julie Goucher on 'Pursuing Surnames'.
12-Nov-2022 Giz Marriner, Ann Greene and Roland Bostock run our virtual booth at The Really Useful Family History Show.
20-Oct-2022 Members' meeting (Zoom from St John's) - Talk by Roland Bostock and Ann Greene on 'The MIs and more at HM Prison, Feltham'.
24-Sep-2022 Roland Bostock, Margaret Cunnew, Maggie Mold, John Seaman and Muriel Sprott run our stall at the Family History Show at Kempton Park Racecourse.
23-Sep-2022 Roland Bostock, Margaret Cunnew, John Seaman, Muriel Sprott and Hilary Strudwick run our stall at the Full of Life Fair in Twickenham.
15-Sep-2022 Members' meeting (Zoom from St John's) - Talk by Simon Fowler on 'Making Good Use of the National Archives website'.
18-Aug-2022 Members' meeting (Zoom from St. John's) - Talk by Jessamy Carlson on 'Introduction to the 1921 Census'.
6-Aug-2022 Giz Marriner and Roland Bostock run our virtual stall at Berkshire Heritage Online Fair.
21-Jul-2022 Members' meeting (Zoom) - Talk by Rob Kayne on 'Old London Bridge: the one with the houses on top'.
1-3 Jul-2022 Roland Bostock runs our virtual stall at The Genealogy Show.
16-Jun-2022 Members' meeting (Zoom) - Talk by Jenny Mallin on 'My British Raj Family - early days'.
19-May-2022 Members' meeting (Zoom) - Talk by Gill Blanchard on 'The Poor and the Parish'.
7-May-2022 Ann Greene and Roland Bostock run our virtual stall at East Surrey FHS Virtual Family History Fair.
21-Apr-2022 Members' meeting (Zoom) - Talk by Antony Marr on 'Understanding a Birth Certificate - How difficult can it be?''.
17-Mar-2022 Members' meeting (Zoom) - The AGM and a talk by Jeffrey Page on 'Annie Besant and the Match Girls Strike 1888'.
19-Feb-2022 Ann Greene and Roland Bostock run our virtual stall at The Family History Show Online.
20-Feb-2022 Members' meeting (Zoom) - Talk by John Hanson on 'My Ancestor didn't leave a will. Well - they should have done!'.
20-Jan-2022 Members' meeting (Zoom) - Talk by Simon Fowler on 'Help, my Ancestor has vanished'.
16-Dec-2021 Members' meeting (Zoom) - Talk by Chris Broom on 'Humour in Genealogy'.
18-Nov-2021 Members' meeting (Zoom) - Talk by Janet Few on 'Remember Then? Memories of 1946-1969'.
13-Nov-2021 Ann Greene and Roland Bostock run our virtual stall at the Really Useful Family History Show.
21-Oct-2021 Members' meeting (Zoom) - Talk by Ian Everest on 'The Commonwealth War Graves Commission'.
2-Oct-2021 Ann Greene and Roland Bostock run our virtual stall at the Oxfordshire FHS ZoomFair.
25-Sep-2021 Ann Greene and Roland Bostock run our virtual stall at The Family History Show Online.
16-Sep-2021 Members' meeting (Zoom) - Talk by Dr Colin Chapman on 'Family History from Education Records'.
19-Aug-2021 Members' meeting (Zoom) - Talk by Helen Baggott on 'Posted in the Past'.
15-Jul-2021 Members' meeting (Zoom) - Talk by Sue Paul on 'The Long Paper Trail'.
17-Jun-2021 Members' meeting (Zoom) - Talk by Gill Blanchard on 'Behind the Scenes Working for the Who Do You Think You Are? television series', followed by the AGM for 2021.
20-May-2021 Members' meeting (Zoom) - Talk by Eric Probert on 'Registers of Electors for Family History'.
15-Apr-2021 Members' meeting (Zoom) - Talk by Jackie Depelle on 'Upstairs, Downstairs'.
10-Apr-2021 Ann Greene and Roland Bostock run our virtual stall at the Really Useful Family History Show.
18-Mar-2021 Members' meeting (Zoom) - Talk by Graham Sutherland on 'Grave Tales and Memorials'.
20-Feb-2021 Roland Bostock runs our virtual stall at the Family History Show Online 2021 event.
18-Feb-2021 Members' meeting (Zoom) - Talk by Giz Marriner on 'Growing Up in Chiswick and Fulham'.
21-Jan-2021 Members' meeting (Zoom) - Talk by David Bell on 'The Plague Doctor'.

Society news

Notice Board

The Notice Board was last updated on 29th March 2024.

Next Meeting

Our next meeting is on Thursday 20th March 2025. The meeting will start with our AGM, and continue with a talk by James Marshall titled The Whitehead Aircraft Co. Penny will be speaking from St. John's Centre. Members may be remote or at St. John's.

Next Fair

Our next family history fair is the The Family History Show London at Kempton Park Racecourse on Saturday 4th October.

Previous news

Recent updates


New image (and tip) of the month.


New image (and tip) of the month.


Committee Minutes for November 2024 added to Members Area.


The Books page has been updated to reflect the books currently available for sale.


New image (and tip) of the month.


The Memorial Inscriptions of Isleworth Cemetery are added.

Previous updates

© Copyright West Middlesex Family History Society 2007-2020  
A Member of the Federation of Family History Societies. Registered Charity No. 291906