Meetings of the Society

The status as of July 2022 is that we always hold a meeting at St. John's, Isleworth, and the meeting can always be joined via Zoom. For some of the meetings the speaker will be in the room at St. John's, for others the speaker will give their talk from home. See Date & Type in the programme below for the type of meeting.

The timing of the meetings at St. John's is: Doors open from 7pm; most people there by 7:30; meeting proper starts at 7:45 with a few announcements and then the talk.

The St. John's Centre, Isleworth

The Zoom process

The Zoom process continues to be that attendees must first register (once) using the Start Zoom link, and then when the meeting starts they should use the link again to join the actual meeting.

To be sure that you are reminded of the meeting on the day of the meeting it is recommended that you send an email to the Secretary requesting that you receive invitations to each meeting until further notice.

On meeting days the Zoom meeting will be open from 7:30 pm. Select the Start Zoom link as before, where the information you previously entered will be recalled, together with the link to actually join the meeting. Select that and you will be joined. The meeting proper will start at about 7:45 pm when the chairman will make any announcements, and take any general questions from members. The talk will begin shortly after, and with questions is scheduled to last for one hour, after which the meeting will close. Enjoy it all from the comfort of your home, or at the St. John's Centre. Non-members are welcome to our meetings.

Since October 2021 we have been recording the talks from our Zoom meetings providing the speaker has consented, so that any member who could not attend the actual meeting may none-the-less at least play back the talk itself. To see and hear the last recorded talk, please go to the Meetings Playback page.

The common link for attending our Zoom meetings

This is the common link which takes you to meeting registration and then to the meeting itself, for all meetings: Start Zoom.

This is the current programme:

Date & Type Title & Synopsis Speaker
16 January 2025
Zoom meeting, speaker is remote
The Real Downton Abbey.

The relationship between upstairs and downstairs. What all the jobs entailed. Inaccuracies on TV. Indoor and outdoor staff. Leisure time. The 'Servant Problem' from 1901. How the Great War changed things.
Ian Porter
20 February 2025
Zoom meeting, speaker is remote
Irish Heritage.

This presentation will give a brief historical overview of Irish famine history which resulted in widespread emigration, leading to today’s diaspora. Key records including remaining censuses, civil records, and census substitutes will be outlined and how to incorporate DNA testing alongside a traditional l paper-trail will be covered.
Dr. Penny Walters
20 March 2025
Zoom meeting, speaker at St. John's
The AGM followed by The Whitehead Aircraft Co.

J.A. Whitehead was a showman entrepreneur who built an aircraft factory in Richmond-upon-Thames and created an assembly works and airfield in Feltham (1915-1919) from small beginnings. His company built over 1000 aircraft for service in WW1. This is his story.
James Marshall
17 April 2025
Zoom meeting, speaker is remote
Behind the Scenes at Who Do You Think You Are

Exploring the impact of Who Do You Think You Are on the way we research our family stories, with an explanation of how the show was first conceived and produced.
Nick Barratt
15 May 2025
Zoom meeting, speaker at St. John's
Bletchley Park

The talk will cover how Bletchley Park started, it’s growth and achievements. The breaking of Enigma and other high level machines, some of the personalities and the effect of the work on the outcome of the war.
Ian Thomson
19 June 2025
To be arranged
17 July 2025
To be arranged
21 August 2025
Zoom meeting, speaker at St. John's
Hampton Court Palace in Old Photographs

Ian Franklin and Robert Hoare
18 September 2025
Zoom meeting, speaker is remote
Help! What do I do before 1837? Researching your Ancestors before Civil Registration

Navigate the challenges beyond the 1841 census in tracing ancestors. Explore a variety of records, uncovering where and how to access them. Demystify the pre-1837 research journey.
Linda Hammond

Reciprocal arrangements with Hillingdon FHS and East Surrey FHS

With Zoom meetings now proving very popular with FHS members we have made an open invitation to members of Hillingdon FHS and East Surrey FHS to freely join any of our Zoom meetings, and both societies have reciprocated.

To see Hillingdon's talks programme follow this link. If you wish to attend any of their meetings please send an email to expressing your interest, and they will gladly put you on their list of invitees to attend future talks.

To see East Surrey's events programme, including their meetings, see this link.

Society news

Notice Board

The Notice Board was last updated on 29th March 2024.

Next Meeting

Our next meeting is on Thursday 16th January 2025. The focus of the meeting will be a talk by Ian Porter titled The Real Downton Abbey. Ian will be speaking on Zoom. Members may be remote or at St. John's.

Next Fair

Our next family history fair is the East Surrey Virtual Family History Fair on Saturday 25th January.

Previous news

Recent updates


Committee Minutes for November 2024 added to Members Area.


The Books page has been updated to reflect the books currently available for sale.


New image (and tip) of the month.


The Memorial Inscriptions of Isleworth Cemetery are added.


New image (and tip) of the month.


We have joined Bluesky. The active icon appears on all our pages as a Quick Link.

Previous updates

© Copyright West Middlesex Family History Society 2007-2020  
A Member of the Federation of Family History Societies. Registered Charity No. 291906