West Middlesex FHS Journal, Volume 40 (2022)

This page provides a summary of the articles which appeared in all four journals of 2022. You may select an article and go straight to the right page in the journal, or use the links below to browse the journal from its cover.

Recent Website Updates - Roland Bostock
A brief summary of the main website updates since December 2020.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 40(1) 6 (March 2022)

Monthly Talks - Ann Greene, Muriel Sprott, Roland Bostock
Notes on the talks given at three recent meetings: Janet Few on Remember When? 1946-1969 (November); Chris Broom on "Humour in Genealogy" or "A funny thing happened on the way to the record office..." (December); and Simon Fowler on Help, my Ancestor has vanished (January).
West Middlesex FHS Journal 40(1) 7-13 (March 2022)

Further information on tracing an illegitimate family - Margaret Watson
In the June issue of the journal Margaret wrote an article titled 'An Illegitimate Family is Traced thanks to the West Middlesex FHS'. Here she tells of events hat followed after the article was published.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 40(1) 14-15 (March 2022)

Annual General Meeting
The agenda and notices for the March 2022 AGM.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 40(1) 16-17 (March 2022)

Planning for Hybrid Zoom Meetings - Roland Bostock
Roland outlines the necessary considerations when planning for hybrid Zoom and physically attended meetings, as will start in February.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 40(1) 19-21 (March 2022)

Vivian Wadham, soldier and airman - John Seaman
John provides a short biography of Vivian Wadham, bor in Teddington in 1891, killed in action in Flanders in 1916.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 40(1) 22-23 (March 2022)

Book Review
'The Foundlings' by Nathan Dylan Goodwin.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 40(1) 24 (March 2022)

Hello from the new/returning Chairman - Kirsty Gray
Kirsty Gray reintroduces herself as the Society's new chairman.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 40(2) 6-7 (June 2022)

Monthly Talks - Yvonne Masson, Ann Greene
Notes on the talks given at two recent meetings: John Hansen on Did Your Ancestor Make a Will - well they should have (February); and Jef Page on Annie Besant and the Match Girls Strike of 1888 (March).
West Middlesex FHS Journal 40(2) 8-12 (June 2022)

A great find! - Sarah K Minney
Sarah's great find were two old British Railways registers which were coming up for auction on the internet. One of these was an Accident Register which ran from 1948 to 1988. Sarah has plans to index what the register contains.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 40(2) 13-16 (June 2022)

Marking Betty and Lucille's grave - George Hall
George provides an informative article on the steps you have to take if you want to erect a memorial, even a small one, on a deceased relative's grave.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 40(2) 17-21 (June 2022)

Annual General Meeting
Minutes of the Society's AGM, including the annual accounts, held on 17th March 2022.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 40(2) 22-28 (June 2022)

Can Anyone Help? September 2022
A challenge to readers to identify a particular cap badge.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 40(3) 5-6 (September 2022)

Monthly Talks
Notes on the talks given at four recent meetings: Antony Marr on Understanding a birth certificate (April); Gill Blanchard on The Poor and the Parish (May); Jenny Mallin on My British Raj family: early days (June); and Rob Kayne on Old London Bridge: the one with the houses on top (July).
West Middlesex FHS Journal 40(3) 7-18 (September 2022)

Henry Robert Caswill (1847-1909) - Chris Caswill
Chris continues his story of his ancestry. The focus in this article is on Henry Robert Caswill, at one stage a carpenter, and later a pub owner in Uxbridge.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 40(3) 19-22 (September 2022)

The Hampton Court Robbery - Barry Purdon
Sentences for petty theft were hard in 1842. This is the story of Mary Ann Goatley, age 19, and Henry and Martha Grover, age 30 and 31, who committed burglary at Hampton Court Palace, and the punishment handed out to them.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 40(3) 23-26 (September 2022)

Cautionary Tales and Fake News - Ann Greene
A light-hearted reminder about what to believe and what not to believe, if reading someone else's account of their forbears.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 40(3) 30-31 (September 2022)

The AGM and the Constitution
Notice of the AGM in March 2023, and a copy of the new Constitution document that members will be asked to approve at the AGM.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 40(4) 6-13 (December 2022)

Monthly Talks - Muriel Sprott, Roland Bostock, Yvonne Masson
Notes on the talks given at three recent meetings: Jessamy Carson on The 1921 Census (August); Simon Fowler on Getting the best from the TNA's website (September); and Roland Bostock on The MIs and More at Feltham Prison (October).
West Middlesex FHS Journal 40(4) 14-20 (December 2022)

A list of books in our bookstall, priced and available to buy.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 40(4) 21-27 (December 2022)

The Victorian lady and the Bounder - Yvonne Masson
It all started with a gravestone that was hard to decipher. The name looked like it was Harriet Fourdrinier, and so Yvonne did her research on the lady. It turned out not to be her, but Harriet Fourdrinier was an interesting lady to be researching.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 40(4) 28-33 (December 2022)

The Caswill Family (continued): Otterhampton to Melbourne: Albert Henry Caswill, 1876-1937 - Chris Caswill
Chris continues his account of his Caswill family, which takes him from Otterhampton in North Somerset to the suburbs of Melbourne in South Australia.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 40(4) 36-38 (December 2022)

Society news

Notice Board

The Notice Board was last updated on 29th March 2024.

Next Meeting

Our next meeting is on Thursday 20th March 2025. The meeting will start with our AGM, and continue with a talk by James Marshall titled The Whitehead Aircraft Co. Penny will be speaking from St. John's Centre. Members may be remote or at St. John's.

Next Fair

Our next family history fair is the The Family History Show London at Kempton Park Racecourse on Saturday 4th October.

Previous news

Recent updates


New image (and tip) of the month.


New image (and tip) of the month.


Committee Minutes for November 2024 added to Members Area.


The Books page has been updated to reflect the books currently available for sale.


New image (and tip) of the month.


The Memorial Inscriptions of Isleworth Cemetery are added.

Previous updates

© Copyright West Middlesex Family History Society 2007-2020  
A Member of the Federation of Family History Societies. Registered Charity No. 291906