West Middlesex FHS Journal, Volume 31 (2013)

This page provides a summary of the articles which appeared in all four journals of 2013. You may select an article and go straight to the right page in the journal, or use the links below to browse the journal from its cover.

If you are looking for specific surnames in articles you should use the facilities provided at the Journal Search page, but for place names or talks given by guest speakers you may find the Journal Index for 2013 helpful.

Profile - Pam Smith
Pam gives a short profile of her immediate ancestors, and of her own career.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 31(1) 4-5 (March 2013)

The development of Hounslow Town - Andrea Cameron
Andrea privides an illustrated history of Hounslow.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 31(1) 6-11 (March 2013)

Bygone Hounslow 1933-1957 - Jean Croucher
Jean describes Hounslow in the period 1933-1957 based on her own early recollections.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 31(1) 12-13 (March 2013)

Hounslow Powder Mills - Explosions and accidents - Chris Hern
Deaths due to explosions in the powder mills were not uncommon in the 18th and 19th centuries. Chris reproduces here a Roll of events, mainly burials, associated with the mills.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 31(1) 14-19 (March 2013)

Defence of the Realm - My Dad's part in it - Rob Purr
Rob describes the various roles his father had understaken in the period 1921 to 1943, including that of Special Constable and Local Defence Volunteer.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 31(1) 20-22 (March 2013)

Monthly Talks - Yvonne Masson and Bridget Purr
Notes on the talks given at three recent meetings: Howard Benbrook on What's in a Name (October); Paul Blake on The Unwrapping of Christmas (November); Alan Ruston on The Story of Pantomime (December).
West Middlesex FHS Journal 31(1) 24-29 (March 2013)

Hampton Emergency Teacher Training College 1945-50 - Graham Bird
Graham describes the role of the college during its short life to train new teachers following the end of WWII.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 31(2) 4-7 (June 2013)

The Harlington Parish Registers - Philip Sherwood
Philip describes the evolution of keeping parish registers, as illustrated by Harlington's parish registers which date back to 1540.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 31(2) 8-10 (June 2013)

Dr. William Henry Lanphier and his School at Upper Sunbury - John Seaman
John provides a short account of Dr. Lanphier's life, with particular mention of his school at Upper Sunbury.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 31(2) 11 (June 2013)

Monthly Meetings - Yvonne Masson and Bridget Purr
Notes on the talks given at three recent meetings: Dr. Jonathan Oates on Researching Medieval and Early Modern Ancestors (January - but no notes for this meeting); Martin Stilwell on Housing the Workers in London - the birth of social housing (February); Jill Williams on Lost Irish Records, Fact and Myth (March).
West Middlesex FHS Journal 31(2) 12-17 (March 2013)

Roynayne Hall - John Sheaf
John gives us a few facts on Roynayne Hall in Hampton Wick.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 31(2) 23 (June 2013)

Newspaper Notices, 1931, 1940-42 - Mavis Sibley
A list of Family Notices from newspapers, for which Mavis Sibley has the cuttings.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 31(2) 24-25 (June 2013)

West London Local History Conference, Part 1 - Yvonne Masson
Yvonne reports on two of the talks given at the conference which had the theme 'Time Flows On': John Cotton on One Thames or Two? The Archaeologies of London's River; and Ron Howes on Pipes, Pumps, Pollution and profit: West London, the Thames and Water for the City.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 31(2) 26-29 (June 2013)

A Weekly, Weekley, Wykeley, Wycliff connection - William Wild
William describes the various connections that can be found for these family names.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 31(3) 4-6 (September 2013)

Brompton burial records on Deceased Online - Emma Jolly
Emma provides a short history of Brompton Cemetery and highlights some of the deceased to be found there.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 31(3) 7-9 (September 2013)

Buy a Spitfire - Joan Scrivener
Joan gives us some recycling stories, including the recycling of obsolete Spitfire fighter planes.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 31(3) 10-11 (September 2013)

Where will Google take you? - Muriel Sprott
Muriel's story takes us to Ta'Braxia Cemetery in Malta, following a trail started by searching on Google.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 31(3) 12-13 (September 2013)

The village of Harlington and neighbourhood - Philip Sherwood
The article is a reproduction of an essay by a 10 year boy as a school exercise - remarkable!
West Middlesex FHS Journal 31(3) 14-16 (September 2013)

Newspaper notices 1943-1944 - Mavis Sibley
A list of Family Notices from newspapers, for which Mavis Sibley has the cuttings.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 31(3) 17 (September 2013)

Profile - Bridget Purr
Bridget's profile includes some quirky naming of children in her ancestry.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 31(3) 18-19 (September 2013)

Monthly Talks - Yvonne Masson
Notes on the talks given at three recent meetings: Gordon Barnet on Practical Jewish Genealogy (April); Jeanne Bunting on Is the Internet Killing the Chase? (May); Dave Annal on Death Duty Registers (June).
West Middlesex FHS Journal 31(3) 21-27 (September 2013)

West London Local History Conference, Part II - Yvonne Masson
Yvonne reports on two further talks given at the conference which had the theme 'Time Flows On': Richard Flenley on Local History along the Longford River; and James Wisdom on Barbel, Baskets, Brewers and Boatman: work on the Thames.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 31(3) 28-30 (September 2013)

The faces change but love stays the same - Alison Blundell
The story of two wedding photos taken at the same location, but separated by 100 years.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 31(4) 4-5 (December 2013)

Scouting around - Paul Kershaw
Paul dscribes some events relating ti St. Marys' Twickenham Scout Group who celebrated their centenary in 2008.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 31(4) 6-8 (December 2013)

Islands in the Stream - Linda Lingham Taylor
Linda provides some of the history associated with many islands in the River Thames in Middlesex.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 31(4) 9-11 (December 2013)

Battle of Britain over Hounslow - John Hancock
John describes an aerial attack over Hounslow in 1940 when he was 8 years old, and how he later unravelled details of the pilots involved.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 31(4) 12-13 (December 2013)

Family History A-Z
Archives, Bastardy Bonds, Commonwealth War Graves Commission, and Dade Registers (1770-1812).
West Middlesex FHS Journal 31(4) 14 (December 2013)

Memories of the Ice Trade; One-Place Studies; and Have You Lost an Antique Teddy Bear?.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 31(4) 15 (December 2013)

Edward Whymper, mountaineer - Dennis Marks
A resume of the life and resting place of Edward Whymper, mountaineer.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 31(4) 16-17 (December 2013)

Harlington Churchyard - Philip Sherwood
Philip mentions the famous Harlington Yew Tree, and some distinctive graves to be found in Harlington Churchyard.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 31(4) 18-19 (December 2013)

They passed through, Part 1 - Muriel Sprott
Muriel gives a precis of a talk by Andrea Cameron on The Development of Brentford, given at a one day conference on September 28th, with focus on the evolution of transport.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 31(4) 20-21 (December 2013)

The Railways - Why, Where and their Effects - Ron Cox
An essay on The Railways by Ron Cox.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 31(4) 22-23 (December 2013)

News from the Archives
Birmingham Library; Greater Manchester Central Library and Archives; and Northamptonshire Record Office.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 31(4) 24 (December 2013)

Monthly Talks - Yvonne Masson
Notes on the talks given at three recent meetings: Members' Evening (July); Ian Waller on Whatever happened to Lucy? (August); Reminiscence Roadshow by Questors Theatre of Ealing (September).
West Middlesex FHS Journal 31(4) 25-29 (December 2013)

Society news

Notice Board

The Notice Board was last updated on 29th March 2024.

Next Meeting

Our next meeting is on Thursday 20th March 2025. The meeting will start with our AGM, and continue with a talk by James Marshall titled The Whitehead Aircraft Co. Penny will be speaking from St. John's Centre. Members may be remote or at St. John's.

Next Fair

Our next family history fair is the The Family History Show London at Kempton Park Racecourse on Saturday 4th October.

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Committee Minutes for November 2024 added to Members Area.


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The Memorial Inscriptions of Isleworth Cemetery are added.

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