West Middlesex FHS Journal, Volume 21 (2003)

This page provides a summary of the articles which appeared in all four journals of 2003. You may select an article and go straight to the right page in the journal, or use the links below to browse the journal from its cover.

If you are looking for specific surnames in articles you should use the facilities provided at the Journal Search page, but for place names or talks given by guest speakers you may find the Journal Index for 2003 helpful.

The Riverside Village of Isleworth - Andrea Cameron
An account of the history of Isleworth from Roman times (but mainly covering the 15th to 20th centuries) by a former Chief Local Studies Librarian at Hounslow Central Library.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 21(1) 8-12 (March 2003)

A London Childhood - Bridget Purr
Donald Sidney Purr was born in 1900 and was 95 when he died. Although living in Hammersmith for over 50 years, he was born in Islington. This account of his childhood during the period 1905-1915 is one of two accounts he left.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 21(1) 14-18 (March 2003)

Various requests for help in family history research.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 21(1) 18 (March 2003)

Computerising the West Middlesex Strays Index - Peter Roe
The West Middlesex Strays Index was contained in seven "card index" boxes of various shapes, types and sizes, all in various states of disrepair. There was a large amount of information, but the index was in need of much maintenance and repair. This was done while transferring the index into digital form. It is now installed on the WMFHS laptop computer.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 21(1) 19-21 (March 2003)

More... Servants in the Census - Liz Goodacre
An overview of some research into the origins, movements and work of servants during the nineteenth century, with particular reference to the National Orphan Home for Girls on Ham Common.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 21(1) 26-27 (March 2003)

Westward Ho! - Bridget Purr
An account of the Southwest Family History Societies Conference about movement and migration.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 21(2) 18-20 (June 2003)

The Reynolds Family - David Reynolds
A search for family in West Middlesex, starting with an unknown grandfather.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 21(2) 21-24 (June 2003)

Various requests for help in family history research.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 21(2) 25 (June 2003)

William Candler and the Almshouses - Peter Alexander
Who was Great Uncle William, master grocer of Twickenham? What happened to his estate?
West Middlesex FHS Journal 21(2) 26-29 (June 2003)

Letter to the Editor - Marion Webb
A follow-up to "My Ancestor was a Lunatic" - another case of possible occupational poisoning (in Southall).
West Middlesex FHS Journal 21(2) 29-31 (June 2003)

West London Local History Conference 2003
An account of the 2003 West London Local History Conference on Georgian London 1741-1841.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 21(2) 33-39 (June 2003)

The Hedges and Saunders Families of Hillingdon - Alan King
The investigation of the author's grandfather's family tree, from Yiewsley to Shepperton.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 21(3) 7-15 (September 2003)

Various requests for help in family history research.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 21(3) 15-16 (September 2003)

From Ancestors to Descendants - Eileen Johnson
In September 2002 the author organised her second Meering family get-together in Oxfordshire, but her story began twenty years earlier...
West Middlesex FHS Journal 21(3) 17-19 (September 2003)

Deserted Mediaeval Villages - Yvonne Masson
What are they? Why were they deserted?
West Middlesex FHS Journal 21(3) 22-24 (September 2003)

A Very Elusive Great Grand Aunt - Margaret Watson
Tale of the unravelling of the history of the author's Tilbury and Woodruff ancestors in the 19th century.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 21(4) 8-10 (December 2003)

Brentford High Street Project - Celia Cotton
Details of a project to record the details of people and properties on the High Street, Brentford, for the period 1841 onwards.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 21(4) 11-12 (December 2003)

Grandad's Old Diary - Maggie Mold
An account of the events that followed from the announcement by the author's brother than "I think I've got Grandad's old diary"!
West Middlesex FHS Journal 21(4) 13-15 (December 2003)

The Mystery of Grandfather's Wig - Joan Scrivener
Why do two photographs (circa 1950-1960) show Henry Remsbury and others wearing strange wigs and other decorations?
West Middlesex FHS Journal 21(4) 16-17 (December 2003)

Various requests for help in family history research.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 21(4) 18 (December 2003)

We Seek 'Em Here, We Seek 'Em There - Bridget Purr
An account of the conference held by the West Middlesex Family History Society at the National Archives, Kew in September 2003.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 21(4) 20 (December 2003)

And More from our Roving Courier... - Valerie Walker
An aside on present-day basketmaking in the Somerset Levels.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 22(4) (December 2003)

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