West Middlesex FHS Journal, Volume 14 (1996)

This page provides a summary of the articles which appeared in all four journals of 1996. You may select an article and go straight to the right page in the journal, or use the links below to browse the journal from its cover.

If you are looking for specific surnames in articles you should use the facilities provided at the Journal Search page, but for place names or talks given by guest speakers you may find the Journal Index for 1996 helpful.

Leonard Davies, Vicar of Harmondsworth - Douglas Rust
Douglas brings out the history books of 1550 to 1600 to tell about the life of Leonard Davies.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 14(1) 13-15 (March 1996)

Grandma's Died Again and The Lady at Number 17 - Peter Roe
Peter provides a humerous article based on members giving excuses for being late paying their subs.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 14(1) 16-17 (March 1996)

Various requests for help in family history research.

West Middlesex FHS Journal 14(1) 17 (March 1996)

The Merchant of Fulham - Frank Chasemore
Frank gives us a full account of the life of his great-great-grandfather William Chasemore.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 14(1) 19-27 (March 1996)

Various requests for help in family history research.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 14(2) 13 (June 1996)

An Addition to the Family - Valerie Walker
The addition to the family that Valerie is writing about is an Amstrad computer.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 14(2) 14 (June 1996)

Scenes from the Past - Peter Wright
Peter tells how he was able to use a collection of old family photographs to enhance his family research, and how he went about identifying the people in the photographs.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 14(2) 15-22 (June 1996)

Reciprocal Research is a Good Thing - Valerie Walker and Frank Gregory
A short tale of how members of the Society can help each other through reciprocal research.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 14(2) 22-23 (June 1996)

The Value of Directories - Peter Gillard
Peter tells how he made very successful use of trade directories to track the movements of his ancestors 1839 tp 1899.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 14(2) 23-24 (June 1996)

Busines Success in the Nineteenth Century - Patrick Cain
Patrick investigates the details of why his grandfather, James Cain, may have been motivated to move from Ealing to Harlington with a young and growing family.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 14(2) 25-27 (June 1996)

A Merry Chase or A My Grandmother's Knee - Beryl Metherell
Beryl provides a brief account of trying to follow up on where her granny, Mary Ann Sceeny, nee Merry was born.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 14(2) 28 (June 1996)

How our houses got their numbers - Stanley Webb
Stanley provides an interesting perspective on how louses got their numbers, which is much related to the early delivery of mail in the 1850s.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 14(3) 8 (September 1996)

The Hunt for Harmondsworth Manorial Court Records - Peter Lee
Peter investigates his ancestors and is soon looking for the Manorial Court records for Harmondsworth. The chase ends with the Society purchasing the manuscripts, and then putting them on permanent loan to the LMA (then the Greater London Record Office).
West Middlesex FHS Journal 14(3) 9-12 (September 1996)

To Fetch a Pail of Water - Antonia Davis
Antonia tells of her interest in finding and photographing water pumps. We take our water for granted now, but in the early nineteenth century most people had to queue at the water pumps to obtain their daily supply.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 14(3) 12-16 (September 1996)

The Sad Tale of My Rosetta - M Barnes
This is the tale of Rosetta Sarah Denning, nee Bezzant, born in Gillingham, Kent in 1850. It's a Victorian tale of hardship with children dying young, and a bad end for Rosetta herself.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 14(3) 16-17 (September 1996)

Smallpox at Harmondsworth - Peter Lee
Peter gives an account of smallpox enoculation as it was in Harmondsworth in its early days exactly 200 years ago.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 14(3) 19-20 (September 1996)

Various requests for help in family history research.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 14(3) 20-21 (September 1996)

My Inheritance - Frank Gregory
Frank tells the story of inheriting a photograph of a letter written in Spain from one Thomas Blatchly to his parents, and how this led to him discovering much more about his ancestry.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 14(3) 22-25 (September 1996)

Ealing - Yvonne Woodbridge
Yvonne explores the history of Ealing back to the 16th century, and she includes a map of Ealing and Brentford from about 1780.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 14(3) 25-27 (September 1996)

Good-bye Peggy - Douglas Rust
Douglas provides the historical background of the Peggy Bedford Hotel, demolished in September 1995.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 14(4) 13-19 (December 1996)

Various requests for help in family history research.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 14(4) 20 (December 1996)

The Census and Census Indexes - Vic Rosewarne
Vic provides information on the available census indexes, and details some of the anomolies he has met.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 14(4) 21-25 (December 1996)

The value of seeking out places of burial - Peter Gillard
Peter tells of his journey seeking the gravestone inscriptions of his ancestors.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 14(4) 26-28 (December 1996)

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Notice Board

The Notice Board was last updated on 29th March 2024.

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Our next meeting is on Thursday 20th March 2025. The meeting will start with our AGM, and continue with a talk by James Marshall titled The Whitehead Aircraft Co. Penny will be speaking from St. John's Centre. Members may be remote or at St. John's.

Next Fair

Our next family history fair is the The Family History Show London at Kempton Park Racecourse on Saturday 4th October.

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