West Middlesex FHS Journal, Volume 11 (1993)

This page provides a summary of the articles which appeared in all four journals of 1993. You may select an article and go straight to the right page in the journal, or use the links below to browse the journal from its cover.

National Inventory of War Memorials
A call for volunteers to help with this national project.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 11(1) 8 (March 1993)

1881 Census Transcription - Les and Jill Munson
The Munsons outline where this project has reached. This is the start of the third year of transcribing.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 11(1) 9-10 (March 1993)

Auntie Bella's Photo - Mary Horner
Isabella was the sister of Mary's great grandmother Kate. Mary tells the story of how her family found Bella's photograph, ad ultimately were able to identify it.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 11(1) 11-13 (March 1993)

Various requests for help in family history research.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 11(1) 13 (March 1993)

Annual General Meeting
Minutes of the AGM for the year ended 30th September 1992.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 11(1) 14-18 (March 1993)

The Archives of Hammersmith and Fulham - Jerome Farrell
The manager of the archives gives an outline of he resources available at the new centre.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 11(1) 21-22 (March 1993)

New Brentford in 1810 - Richard Chapman
Richard provides a list of surnames of inhabitants of New Brentford in 1810, taken from archive material at Brentford Library.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 11(1) 23-24 (March 1993)

The Agnes Ring - Janet Huckle
Janet tells a short tale about acquiring a ring with the name Agnes written on it, and then discovering who Agnes was.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 11(1) 24-25 (March 1993)

The Birth of a Road - Diana Bradley
Diana follows the development trail of Kenway Road in Earls Court.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 11(1) 26-29 (March 1993)

Who was Jilly? - Lesley Bairstow
A classic tale of finding a photograph album in a skip, mainly of a young girl Jilly, and eventually finding a relative who was delighted to receive the unusual treasure.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 11(1) 30-31 (March 1993)

Previous Meetings
Write-ups on three talks - 'Errors I have made' by Glyn Morgan (September); 'Family History is fun' by Jim Golland (October); and 'So you think your ancestor was a publican' by Judith Hunter (November).
West Middlesex FHS Journal 11(1) 32-34 (March 1993)

West Middlesex Marriage Index - Vic Gale
Vic Gale hands over his work on the marriage index to Yvonne Woodbridge.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 11(2) 7 (June 1993)

Chelsea - Yvonne Woodbridge
Yvonne provides a summary history of Chelsea.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 11(2) 8-10 (June 1993)

The Harmondsworth Workhouse - Philip Sherwood
Philip gives a history of Harmondsworth Workhouse.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 11(2) 11-12 (June 1993)

Various requests for help in family history research.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 11(2) 13-14 (June 1993)

The 1881 Census Index - Vic Rosewarne
Indexing the 1881 census has been roceeding for nearly 4 years. Here Vic provides considerable detail on the information being transcribed.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 11(2) 15-18 (June 1993)

Brentford Traders in the 1790s - Richard Chapman
Richard provides a list of all Brentford traders (and more) in the 1790s.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 11(2) 19-22 (June 1993)

The Middlesex Apple - Douglas Rust
This is a tribute to the labours of Richard Cox who developed the Cox's Orange Pippin apple in Colnbrook, Middlesex in 1857.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 11(2) 23-24 (June 1993)

British Isles Genealogical Register
The article describes the purpose of the Register and recommends readers to register their inerests.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 11(2) 29 (June 1993)

Previous Meetings
Write-ups on two talks - 'West Middlesex Churces' by Pam Clarke (January); and 'Coastguards' by Eileen Stage (March).
West Middlesex FHS Journal 11(2) 30-32 (June 1993)

Brookwood Cemetery - Janet Huckle
Janet describes Brookwood Cemetery, at 400 acres it is the largest cemetery in Europe with sections for many separate groups and religions. It includes the remains cleared from Holy Trinity, Hounslow.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 11(3) 10-11 (September 1993)

An Innocent and the West Middlesex Marriage Index Computer Project - Peter Roe
Peter gives an account of his experiences taking on transcriptions for the West Middlesex Marriage Index project.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 11(3) 12-14 (September 1993)

Various requests for help in family history research.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 11(3) 14-15 (September 1993)

Poll Books for the County of Middlesex - Richard Chapman
Richard gives a detailed account of the history behind the use of poll books in Middlesex going back to 1695.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 11(3) 16-23 (September 1993)

Past Meetings
Write-ups on three talks - 'History of Sunbury' by Nan Trimble (April); 'Railway Records at the Public Records Office' by Cliff Edwards (May); and 'British and Foreign Schools Society@ Education in Victoian Times' by Bryan Seagrove (June).
West Middlesex FHS Journal 11(3) 26-31 (September 1993)

Glyn Morgan
An obituary of Glyn Morgan.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 11(4) 7 (December 1993)

Monumental Inscriptions - Vic Rosewarne
Vic outlines what the Monumental Inscriptions project has produced, a set of 6 microfiche.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 11(4) 8 (December 1993)

The British and Foreign School Society - Jim Devine
Jim describes the work of the British and Foreign School Society, and the records of its activities that survive.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 11(4) 9-10 (December 1993)

Colonel Murray's Summer Fete - Vic Rosewarne
The year was 1874, and benefactor Colonel Murray made the grounds of his house at Whitton Park available for the locals to run an impressive fete.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 11(4) 11-12 (December 1993)

The Case of the Swiss Interpreter - Geoff Floodgate
Vic follows a complex trail of census and other records trying to understand the history behind the records, which include the Swiss interpreter.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 11(4) 13-15 (December 1993)

Various requests for help in family history research.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 11(4) 15-16 (December 1993)

Directory of Members' Interests - Richard Chapman
Included with the December journal was a microfiche containing the surname interests of all members of the Society. Richard explains the layout.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 11(4) 20 (December 1993)

Family History: Skill or Serendipity? - Douglas Barnes
Douglas tells the story of his frustrations and eventual success in discovering where his maternal grandmother's parents came from.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 11(4) 21-24 (December 1993)

Previous Meetings
Write-ups on two talks - 'The Name Game' by Meryl Catty (July); and 'Local Military Records' by Ian Beckett (September).
West Middlesex FHS Journal 11(4) 29-33 (December 1993)

Society news

Notice Board

The Notice Board was last updated on 29th March 2024.

Next Meeting

Our next meeting is on Thursday 20th March 2025. The meeting will start with our AGM, and continue with a talk by James Marshall titled The Whitehead Aircraft Co. Penny will be speaking from St. John's Centre. Members may be remote or at St. John's.

Next Fair

Our next family history fair is the The Family History Show London at Kempton Park Racecourse on Saturday 4th October.

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Committee Minutes for November 2024 added to Members Area.


The Books page has been updated to reflect the books currently available for sale.


New image (and tip) of the month.


The Memorial Inscriptions of Isleworth Cemetery are added.

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A Member of the Federation of Family History Societies. Registered Charity No. 291906