West Middlesex FHS Journal, Volume 8 (1990)

This page provides a summary of the articles which appeared in all four journals of 1990. You may select an article and go straight to the right page in the journal, or use the links below to browse the journal from its cover.

Proving the Case - Mari Alderman
Mari reviews what makes a family history event proven, and discusses the difference between evidence and proof.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 8(1) 4-5 (March 1990)

Annual General Meeting
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 8th December 1989.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 8(1) 8-11 (March 1990)

John Finall Cook
A short investigation into the life of John Finall Cook, whose gravestone is to be found at St. Dunstan, Cranford.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 8(1) 11-12 (March 1990)

1851 Census Indexes
A summary of West Middlesex 1851 census records, and the progress made by the Society in indexing the records.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 8(1) 14-17 (March 1990)

Hayes and its people 1851-1861 - Connie Zouch
Connie provides a detailed analysis of occupations and movements of people as evidenced by the 1851 and 1861 census returns of Hayes.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 8(1) 20-24 (March 1990)

A Bible and a Clock - Roy T Pike
Roy tells how a family bible and a clock with an inscription in it helped him to investigate his ancestry.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 8(1) 25-26 (March 1990)

Past Meetings
Write-ups on four talks: 'Medical Archives and Genealogy' by Janet Foster (October); 'How to Organise Your Family History' by Colin Chapman (November); 'Embroidery' by Gill Pickup (December); 'The Elephant Hunt' run by Janet Huckle.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 8(1) 30-31 (March 1990)

Help !!
Various requests for help in family history research.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 8(1) 31-33 (March 1990)

A summary of the main historical events from the year 1831.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 8(1) 34-35 (March 1990)

A Dream Come True - Jack Hearne
Jack muses on the ups and downs of tracing one's ancestors.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 8(2) 47-48 (June 1990)

The Poll Tax
A history of poll taxes through the ages. West Middlesex FHS Journal 8(2) 51-54 (June 1990)

Projects Update - Wendy Mott (nee Ahman)
Wendy provides an update on Monumental Inscriptions recording, and on the transcription of 1851 census records.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 8(2) 56-57 (June 1990)

Canadian Connections - Ian Durban
A short piece on how children were sent off to Canada to work the farms, from a newspaper of 1890. West Middlesex FHS Journal 8(2) 58 (June 1990)

Hanwell - Pat Johnston
A history of Hanwell from the 14th century to the present, including a map of Hanwell in 1860.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 8(2) 59-63 (June 1990)

Help !!
Various requests for help in family history research.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 8(2) 64 (June 1990)

The Diary of Private Merryweather - Alan Merryweather
Alan provides extracts from the diaries of his uncle Private Will Merryweather. Written in 1917. It was in fact illegal for a soldier to keep a diary in wartime.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 8(2) 65-68 (June 1990)

Past Meetings
Write-ups on two talks: 'Catholic Family History' by Miss R. Rendell (March); and 'The Greater London Record Office and its collection' by Rosemary Hewlett (April).
West Middlesex FHS Journal 8(2) 69-71 (June 1990)

A summary of the main historical events from the year 1890.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 8(2) 74-75 (June 1990)

The Dyos Family of Laleham - Hilary Lloyd
Hilary traces her mother's ancestry starting from some memorial inscriptions of the Dyos family at All Saints, Laleham.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 8(3) 85-87 (September 1990)

The Ansteads of Twickenham - Christopher John Anstead
Christopher provides a list of marriages with the Anstead family from the Twickenham area.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 8(3) 91 (September 1990)

Material at the PRO (Kew) for the Family Historian - Chris Watts
Chris Watts describes the various types of data, relevant to doing family history, that are available at Kew.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 8(3) 92-97 (September 1990)

Littleton - Yvonne Woodbridge and Pat Johnston
Yvonne and Pat provide a brief history of Littleton, including the impact that the Queen Mary Reservoir had on its geography. A map is included.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 8(3) 100-103 (September 1990)

A summary of the main historical events from the year 1782.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 8(3) 104 (September 1990)

Previous Meetings
Write-ups on two talks: 'Books you will enjoy' by Michael Gandy (May); 'The Manor, its records and the Family History' by Peter Park (July).
West Middlesex FHS Journal 8(3) 105-106 (September 1990)

Divorce Index from The Times - Annie Weare
Annie gives an account of how she and Brian Wall provided a set of indexes to divorces published in The Times.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 8(3) 107-108 (September 1990)

The New Census Rooms - Pat Johnston
Pat describes the arrangements at the new census rooms in Chancery Lane, after the move from Portugal Street.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 8(3) 109-110 (September 1990)

Peculiars - V A Rosewarne
All about Peculiars: Monastic, Royal, Archiepiscopal etc by Vic Warne.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 8(3) 111-112 (September 1990)

The Cowmeadows - Dave Perry
Dave gives a summary of the main places where Cowmeadows may be found (the family that is).
West Middlesex FHS Journal 8(3) 113 (September 1990)

Twickenham Local Studies Library
An account of the records that can be found at Twickenham Local Studies Library.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 8(3) 114-115 (December 1990)

Army Records at the PRO Kew - Chris Watts
Chris Watts reviews the various army records held at Kew.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 8(4) 126-130 (December 1990)

Hillindon Parish Registers - Mavis Sibley
Mavis describes her work transcribing the Hillingdon Parish Registers.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 8(4) 131 (December 1990)

The 1881 Census Project - Glyn Morgan
Glyn outlines what this project hopes to achieve, and asks for volunteers.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 8(4) 132 (December 1990)

Fanfare on a Concertina - Don Eustace
Don has thought a lot about how to store and present a large family tree. Here he describes how to use card, velcro and tape to produce a folding tree.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 8(4) 133-135 (December 1990)

Will your records last - A R Morris
A R Morris investigates the longevity of paper records, and comes up with some surprising pieces of information; 50 years for standard paper, 500 years for special long-life paper.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 8(4) 138-139 (December 1990)

Shepherds Bush - Joan Blake
Joan provides a short history of Shepherds Bush.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 8(4) 140-143 (December 1990)

A summary of the main historical events from the year 1905.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 8(4) 143 (December 1990)

Various requests for help in family history research.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 8(4) 144 (December 1990)

Past Meetings
Write-ups on two talks: 'An English Approach to Welsh Ancestry' by Glyn Morgan (September); 'The Mormon Library at Staines' by Chris Watts (October).
West Middlesex FHS Journal 8(4) 145-147 (December 1990)

The Land Tax
A history of this tax which originated in 1692, and was in full force up to 1832, detailing what you may expect to find in the tax records.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 8(4) 151-152 (December 1990)

East Bedfont in the County of Middlesex - Mary Beamson
An extract of land tax records for East Bedfont for the year 1783.
West Middlesex FHS Journal 8(4) 153-155 (December 1990)

Society news

Notice Board

The Notice Board was last updated on 29th March 2024.

Next Meeting

Our next meeting is on Thursday 20th March 2025. The meeting will start with our AGM, and continue with a talk by James Marshall titled The Whitehead Aircraft Co. Penny will be speaking from St. John's Centre. Members may be remote or at St. John's.

Next Fair

Our next family history fair is the The Family History Show London at Kempton Park Racecourse on Saturday 4th October.

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